Major League 22

Week 4, 2024
Team Opponents
BUZZ GANG 373 (9-0) Red Devils 287 (4-0)
Giants 282 (4-0)
Tennessee Smokies 302 (1-0)
The Plantation 335 (8-1) CM Punk 292 (3-1)
That’s What She Said 255 (4-0)
Seventh Inning Stretch 287 (1-0)
Cardinals 331 (8-1) Flying Elvises 317 (3-1)
Frisco RoughRiders 237 (4-0)
Detroit Clowns 309 (1-0)
Tennessee Smokies 302 (6-3) Red Devils 287 (3-1)
Giants 282 (3-1)
BUZZ GANG 373 (0-1)
Flying Elvises 317 (5-4) Cardinals 331 (1-3)
Detroit Clowns 309 (3-1)
Frisco RoughRiders 237 (1-0)
Detroit Clowns 309 (5-4) Flying Elvises 317 (1-3)
Frisco RoughRiders 237 (4-0)
Cardinals 331 (0-1)
CM Punk 292 (5-4) Seventh Inning Stretch 287 (3-1)
The Plantation 335 (1-3)
That’s What She Said 255 (1-0)
Seventh Inning Stretch 287 (4-5) CM Punk 292 (1-3)
That’s What She Said 255 (3-1)
The Plantation 335 (0-1)
Red Devils 287 (2-7) Tennessee Smokies 302 (1-3)
BUZZ GANG 373 (0-4)
Giants 282 (1-0)
Giants 282 (1-8) Tennessee Smokies 302 (1-3)
BUZZ GANG 373 (0-4)
Red Devils 287 (0-1)
That’s What She Said 255 (1-8) Seventh Inning Stretch 287 (1-3)
The Plantation 335 (0-4)
CM Punk 292 (0-1)
Frisco RoughRiders 237 (0-9) Cardinals 331 (0-4)
Detroit Clowns 309 (0-4)
Flying Elvises 317 (0-1)