Zach McKinstry

2nd Baseman, Shortstop, 3rd Baseman
Detroit Tigers
Birthday: April 29, 1995   Age: 29
Yearly Position Rankings
Year Proteam Games PPG Total Position PPG Rank Total Rank
2021 LAD 57 2.16 123 2B 54th 70th
3B 54th 65th
OF 151st 157th
2022 LAD-ChN 51 2.02 103 2B 81st 85th
3B 82nd 75th
OF 178th 173rd
2023 Det 81 2.32 188 2B 50th 31st
3B 54th 30th
OF 143rd 76th
Composite Position Rankings
Year Proteam Games PPG Total Position PPG Rank Total Rank
2022-2023 132 2.20 291 2B 68th 66th
3B 72nd 63rd
OF 169th 126th
2021-2023 189 2.19 414 2B 76th 69th
3B 75th 63rd
OF 191st 142nd