Christopher Morel

Outfielder, 3rd Baseman
Chicago Cubs
Birthday: June 24, 1999   Age: 24
Yearly Position Rankings
Year Proteam Games PPG Total Position PPG Rank Total Rank
2022 ChN 106 2.94 312 2B 16th 34th
3B 19th 29th
OF 45th 63rd
2023 ChN 49 3.88 190 2B 5th 30th
3B 3rd 29th
OF 8th 75th
Composite Position Rankings
Year Proteam Games PPG Total Position PPG Rank Total Rank
2022-2023 155 3.24 502 2B 10th 27th
3B 14th 24th
OF 27th 59th
2021-2023 155 3.24 502 2B 10th 59th
3B 14th 52nd
OF 29th 121st